Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Illegal Immigration, Litigation and Solution

Illegal Immigration, Litigation and Solution and economic structure of the US. The enactment and subsequent amendments of Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) in 1990 and 1996 that required increased legal immigration ceilings, phone verification for worker authentication by employers and increased border enforcement and other laws such as the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Form Act of 2002 which mandated for more Border Patrol agents and the Real ID Act of 2005 which transformed visa limits for temporary workers and introducedlaws that interfere with construction of physical barriers at the borders prohibited and controlled unauthorized immigration into the United States failure to which Civil and Criminal penalties would be imposed on he culprit(s) (Michael 2006). The INA is implemented by the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP), the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement section and the United States military while the local law enforcement agencies, private populations and indigenous groups enforce the local government laws. Illegal aliens in the United States represent a meaningful portion of the working population, despite laws and enforcement statutes designed to prevent the employment of unauthorized workers. The Federal Immigration Reform and Control Act (ICRA) of 1986 establishes a National Policy regarding the employment of undocumented immigrant workers and places considerable accountability on employers to verify an applicant's legitimate validity and to dismiss workers without status. Hoffman Plastic Caserecognized that the National Immigration Policy should limit unauthorized workers support. The logic was that an unauthorized immigrant who could not legally work should not be compensated in a lawsuit since it would be violating the law. Courts also found that immigration status and unauthorized work status do not bar a worker claiming compensation. They however, declined to extend the reasoning on Hoffman Plastic to different case solutions as it was for Catalan versus Vermillion Ranch Limite d Partnership where the court refused to enter a custodial order regarding the complainants immigration status (David, 2009). Although Illegal Immigration may diversify or better the economy by benefiting investors, employers, consumers and the US international economic position, to a large proportion, it costs the states money by overstretching social welfare support programs (CBS, 2006) which is however paid for by the local residents. Illegal Immigration promotes drug trafficking where illegal immigrants smuggle tons of drugs cross the border. It also promotes petty crime and terrorism as majority of the alien immigrants have a criminal background and have no documentation to show their records (Izumi, 1997). Illegal immigration may be controlled by setting up undocumented workers program, whereby employers and State welfare workers verify them through a database with current immigrant and visa information. Serious repercussions should however be imposed on employers who engage illegal workers in jobs. Local law enforcement must be given more jurisdictions over illegal immigrants in their own communities. Illegal immigrants who commit crimes must be tried in American courts and, if convicted, serve their entire sentences in American prisons. This would ease on criminal activities and terrorism. In Conclusion, Comprehensive immigration policies should be reformed and enforced by securing the borders, enforcing all immigration laws, reforming the visa system and partnering with Latin America on key economic and reform initiatives for a better economy and interrelations with the neighboring countries.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Agencias para trabajar en cruceros y sueldos de empleos

Agencias para trabajar en cruceros y sueldos de empleos Los cruceros que inician sus viajes en un puerto de Estados Unidos  son una gran fuente de empleo de todo tipo de profesiones y trabajos. Unas 20 millones de personas se embarcan cada aà ±o en este tipo de cruceros para disfrutar sus vacaciones y para servirles las navieras recurren a trabajadores (tripulantes)  de todo tipo de nacionalidades. Agencias para trabajar en cruceros de EE.UU. Entre las principales empresas de cruceros que inician o finalizan sus viajes en  un puerto de Estados Unidos destacan, entre otros, Carnival Cruises Line, Celebrity Cruises, Cunard Line, Disney Cruise Line, Holland America Line, MSC Cruises USA, Norwegian Cruise Line, Princess Cruises. Para conseguir un trabajo en un crucero en ocasiones es posible contactar directamente con la empresa pero frecuentemente delegan el trabajo de seleccionar empleados a agencias con las que trabajan y que pueden estar ubicadas en Estados Unidos o en otros paà ­ses. Las siguientes agencias no cobran dinero a la persona que busca trabajo a cambio de informacià ³n, de entrevistarlo o de embarcarlo. Su negocio est en escoger buenos trabajadores y la empresa de crucero les paga por ello. Por otro lado, algunas pueden brindar cursos para adquirir conocimientos para el trabajo o para mejorar el idioma inglà ©s. Por su ubicacià ³n destacan las siguientes agencias: Argentina: Cauw International Group: Infocauwing.comCrew Cruise: crewcruisegmail.comGlobal Recruitment Agency: Ship Management Agency: 54-11-43-43-4410 Colombia: Ibercoll S.AS. 571-2350023The Seven Seas Group Costa Rica: The Seven Seas Group Espaà ±a: MobicacrewSovren Crew. 34-971-677-375The Seven Seas Group Estados Unidos: The Apollo GroupCTI Recruitment and Placement Agency. 1-954-568-5900. Guatemala: Guatemala Seamans Service Agency: 502-7948- 2016. Honduras: Honduras Seamans Office Srl Mà ©xico: Mexicrew: applymexicrew.comPersohotel International. 988-892-4474. Panam: Panama Marine Services. 507-393-9281 Perà º: CRC Cruise Recruiting Consulting. (51-1) 521-1672. Tipos de empleos en cruceros Pueden encontrarse las siguientes categorà ­as de empleos en los cruceros: Oficiales, como capitn y ayudantes. Es muy comà ºn que todos los oficiales de un barco sean de la misma nacionalidad.   Personal encargado del mantenimiento y buen funcionamiento del barco, son lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como deck and engine room jobs. Las profesiones dentro de esta categorà ­a son muy variadas y requieren distinto tipo de conocimiento, por ejemplo: Mantenimiento (jefe y subordinados), jefe de seguridad, ingeniero jefe y subordinados, electricista, plomero (fontanero), etc. Empleados en labores de diversià ³n, comprende actividades tan dispares como instructores de natacià ³n y gimnasio, trabajadores de casino, guà ­as turà ­sticos, mà ºsicos, disc jockeys, anfitriones y artistas. En esta categorà ­a es muy comà ºn que se requiera tener como idioma materno el inglà ©s o hablarlo a nivel casi nativo. Trabajos relacionados con servicios, incluye desde personal de cocina y comedores a limpiadores de camarotes y empleados de las tiendas. Personal para el cuidado de los turistas, incluye desde mà ©dicos y enfermeras a peluqueras, masajistas y manicuristas, etc. Como regla general, en todos los cruceros el alojamiento y la comida es gratis para todos los miembros de la tripulacià ³n. Finalmente, los contratos suelen ser de unos seis meses, aunque frecuentemente se prorrogan. Sueldos medio de empleos en un crucero Los cruceros que salen o acaban su viaje en un puerto de EE.UU. suelen brindar a sus trabajadores salarios similares, segà ºn datos de, entre otros, Glassdoor e Indeed, son los siguientes: Oficiales: son  puestos de mayor responsabilidad y mejor pagados. Los salarios varà ­an segà ºn la posicià ³n y experiencia. Capitn: entre $6,000 y $10,000 al mesAyudantes del capitn: Entre $5,000 y $7,000 al mesPrimer oficial: Entre $4,000 y $5,000 al mes Profesionales encargados del mantenimiento y buen funcionamiento del barco.  Ejemplos de salarios medios: Oficial de seguridad: de $2,500 a $3,500Handyman  (mantenimiento). Entre $1,800 y $2,500 al mesAyudantes del handyman,  lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como able seaman y hacen labores bsicas de limpieza y reparacià ³n. Entre $1,500 y $1,800.Ingeniero jefe: Entre $5,500 y $8,500Electricista jefe: entre $3,000 y $4,000 al mesElectricista: Entre $2,000 y $2,400 al mesPlomero (fontanero): entre $1,600 y $2,400 Otros tripulantes Un buen nà ºmero de tripulantes contratados en un crucero trabajan en la cocina. Las posiciones son muy variadas, asà ­ como el conocimiento de inglà ©s que se exige y el nivel de experiencia. Los sueldos tambià ©n son muy diferentes. Algunos ejemplos: Chef: como mà ­nimo, $4,000 al mesSous Chef Ejecutivo: a partir de $3,800 al mesSous Chef: entre $3,400 y $5,800 al mes1er cocinero: aproximadamente $2,000  al mes2do cocinero: entre $1,600 y $2,200 al mes3er cocinero: a partir de los $1,400 al mes. Esta posicià ³n y las anteriores requieren un excelente conocimiento del idioma inglà ©sPersonal bsico de cocina: entre $900 y $1,200Personal de limpieza (dishwasher), entre $500 y $600 al mes. Estas dos à ºltimas posiciones pueden ser desempeà ±adas por personas con conocimiento muy bsico del inglà ©s. No se requiere experiencia.Personal de comedores, bares y cafeterà ­as que no tienen un buen conocimiento del inglà ©s o carecen de experiencia como apoyo a camareros,  preparacià ³n de snacks, etc. El sueldo se fija por contrato  suele ir entre los $350 a los $500 a la semana.Gerente de tiendas: a partir de $2,200 al mesVendedor en tienda: a partir de $1,400 al mes Tripulantes con salario y propinas (tips) Trabajan con los clientes y tienen un buen conocimiento verbal del inglà ©s. Tambià ©n es frecuente que para desempeà ±ar este tipo de empleo se pida experiencia en el puesto de trabajo o estudios que lo califiquen. Ejemplos promedio de salarios de propinas, que varà ­an grandemente segà ºn el tipo de barco y recorrido: Mesero/a de barra de bar (Bar Waiter): entre $1,000 y $2,500 al mesAsistente de mesero de comedor (Busboy): entre $1,500 y $3,000 al mesBarman: entre $1,500 y $3,000 al mesMesero/a (camarero) de comedor: $2,500 a $4,000 al mes Como regla general puede decirse que los salarios son superiores al salario mà ­nimo en Estados Unidos. Documentacià ³n para trabajar en un crucero Para trabajar en un crucero que inicia, acaba o viaje tocando un puerto de Estados Unidos es necesario tener un documento que autorice a trabajar. Los trabajadores extranjeros que no tienen una green card pueden solicitar una visa. Puede ser de dos tipos: la D, para miembros de un barco que toca EE.UU. y necesitan trabajar para el funcionamiento del mismo y la C1/D cuando el trabajador necesita ingresar a EE.UU. para embarcar en el crucero en el que va a trabajar. Finalmente, cabe destacar que los trabajadores en cruceros que son estadounidenses o tienen una tarjeta de residencia permanente pagan impuestos en EE.UU. Sin embargo, los extranjeros con visa C1/D no tienen que pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos, si bien hay excepciones en funcià ³n de acuerdos internacionales. Puntos Clave: Cà ³mo conseguir trabajo en un crucero y salarios medios  ¿Cà ³mo conseguir trabajo en un crucero que sale de un puerto de EE.UU.?: contactando directamente con la empresa (en algunos casos) o con una agencia que trabaja con dichas empresas. ¿Quà © no debe hacerse?: no debe pagarse a ninguna agencia por folletos, libros, entrevistas o por embarcar. ¿Es necesario hablar inglà ©s?: sà ­, pero el nivel que se exige depende del tipo de trabajo que se realiza. ¿Cul es el salario medio?: Hay grandes diferencias segà ºn el trabajo que se desempeà ±a. En general, incluso en los peor pagados el sueldo es superior al salario mà ­nimo en EE.UU. Adems, est incluido alojamiento y manutencià ³n y en muchos casos uniforme e incluso lavanderà ­a. ¿Quà © visa se necesita?: Si el crucero solo toca un puerto de EE.UU. es suficiente la visa D. Por el contrario, si es necesario viajar a EE.UU. para embarcarse en el barco en el que se va a trabajar es necesaria la visa C1/D. ¿Se pagan impuestos en EE.UU. si se tiene una visa C1/D?: como re gla general, no se pagan impuestos, salvo acuerdo internacional entre EE.UU. y el paà ­s de origen del trabajador. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assessment questions for Global Marketing Essay

Assessment questions for Global Marketing - Essay Example lection of segmentation criteria, collection of relevant information, profiling of geographical location of the consumers as per the segmentation criteria, evaluation of the appropriateness or the attractiveness of the segmentation and updating and reassigning the segment membership. Identification of the purpose of global market segmentation involves the assessment of different segmentation strategies. These segmentation strategies assist global organizations to analyze the major objectives of market segmentation. These objectives consists the identification of customer needs to offer more suitable product for them, improvement of customer profitability by analyzing pricing process, identification of new target consumer groups, improvisation of customer retention and identification of growth opportunities to gather desired market share. The proper analysis of the marketing strategy will enable organization to adequately assess the market segmentation requirement. After identifying the major purposes, it is essential to analyse the suitable segmentation criteria. There are a number of based or methods which can be utilized to segment different global marketplace. The segmentation bases can be divided according to traditional process as well as the requirement of emerging market. The traditional segmentation bases include demographic, geographic, cultural, environmental, psychographic and behavioural criteria. On the other hand, the emerging segmentation bases focuses on response elasticises and product diffusion pattern. The choice of the bases of segmentation is one of the most important factors for global market segmentation. Global organisation need to focus on the selection of the right base for their market segmentation procedure in terms of their products/ services and customers profile. The segmentation bases for global market differs due to the differences in consumers responses and product features. The selection of wrong bases of th e segmentation can

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

IT Governance in the School of Professional and Continuing Education Dissertation

IT Governance in the School of Professional and Continuing Education Of ABC University - Dissertation Example The world of business is becoming more and more digital, computer-based, and interconnected by a network and accessible to the national and global communities. It is imperative for an organization like the ABC University to see the value of Information Technology (IT) as a strategic resource so that all investments related to IT will have maximum returns in terms of increasing the value of the school in the minds of society. Nicholas Carr (2003, p.1), Harvard Business Review Editor, believes that as a result of ready availability of IT resources, the key purpose of IT has ceased to be for purposes of discovering opportunities and gaining competitive advantages. Instead, he says it should â€Å"focus on reducing risk† (p.1). This means having good governance of security for the data and minimizing costs of maintaining and utilizing IT for strategy development. Rajiv Kohli and Sarv Devaraj (2004, p. 53) recommended 4 phases that will give value to IT, and called it the AIAC Fram ework. This stood for the processes of Alignment, Involvement, Analysis, and Communication. Details of the each process are shown in the appended AIAC Framework Model. See Figure 1. In the course of research, analysis, and planning, the ABC University IT Governance will be reviewed in terms of the processes in this framework. Although there are many other frameworks that are available, the AIAC will be utilized primarily because it aims to quantify the value of IT governance. However, there will be modifications to include those recommended by other frameworks and are not found in the ALAC framework. Information technology serves the role of a strategic partner instead of only a technology provider. The IT Governance Institute (ITGI, 2003) believes that effective IT Governance helps to ensure that IT supports business goals and optimizes business

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Determination Essay Example for Free

Determination Essay In â€Å"The Glass Castle† we see many different possibilities pertaining to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. We see the father, Rex and one of the daughters, Maureen, who fall victim to Maslow. Then there’s Jeanette and the mother, Rose Mary who have both seemed to achieve self-actualization regardless of their hardships. Traditionally, Maslow’s Hierarchy is thought to be achieved by working up from the bottom of the pyramid to get to the top. However, in â€Å"The Glass Castle† this is not particularly true. All the characters mentioned in this essay lacked safety and security, love and belonging, and psychological needs at some point during the novel. How they handled this though varies. â€Å"The Glass Castle† gives you a different view on this topic altogether. We see that whether or not Maslow’s Hierarchy is achieved, depends solely on the individual themselves. The character we most clearly see represent Maslow is the father, Rex Walls. Throughout the book we see Rex battle alcohol addiction and struggle to provide for his family. When the family moves to Welch we learn that Rex was probably abused as a child which leads us to believe this is the source of his alcohol addiction. Since Rex never achieved the safety, and love and belonging chunks of Maslow, he was never able to reach his full potential. He always spoke of dreams, but never had determination to back them up. â€Å"But since we couldn’t afford to pay the town’s trash-collection fee, our garbage was really piling up. One day Dad told us to dump it in the hole. â€Å"But that’s for the Glass Castle,† I said. â€Å"It’s a temporary measure,† Dad told me.† (Walls 155). By seeing his dreams fall through, we can assume Rex never achieved self-actualization. Rex is never able to let his demons from his past go, causing him to never reac h his full potential. Another character we see never reach their full potential, is Maureen. Like her father Maureen is not able to let go of her past. Maureen was often neglected as a child, lacking the love and belonging needs of Maslow. â€Å"Afterward, I called Brian. â€Å"Do you think Maureen’s on drugs?† I asked. â€Å"If she’s not, she should be,† he said. â€Å"She’s gone nuts.† (Walls 275) Not soon after, the mother kicks Maureen out, and Maureen ends up stabbing her. Maureen is sent to a mental institution for a year then takes off to California. Unlike her father and sister Jeanette shows us that it is capable to reach your full potential regardless of what you have gone through. Even through the hardships of her childhood Jeanette is set on moving to New York with Lori and becoming a reporter. By putting her past aside she is able to achieve this and finally reaches her full potential. â€Å"I still went into the office in the city once a week, but this was where John and I lived and worked, our home—the first house I’d ever owned. Mom and Lori admired the wide planked floorboards, the big fireplaces, and the ceiling beams made from locust posts, with gouge marks from the ax that had felled them.† Unlike any of the houses she lived in as a child, her current home goes above and beyond. If you compare Jeannette to her sister Maureen it’s clear that becoming all that you can be depends solely on yourself. Maureen went through the same experiences as Jeanette, yet Jeanette is the one who decides to do something with her life, while Maureen continues to let her life be the same as it always was. The last character we see achieve self-actualization is the mother, Rose Mary. Throughout the book Rose Mary is constantly picking out positive from the negative. In the beginning of the book we learn that Jeanette tries to help her mother since her mother is homeless on the streets of New York, but her mother denies it. â€Å"I’d tried to help them countless times, but dad would insist they didn’t need anything, and mom would ask for something silly, like a perfume atomizer or a membership in a health club. They said they were living the way they wanted to.†(Walls 4) Rose Mary seems to be comfortable with her lifestyle and is still content with it at the end of the book. â€Å"After we sat down for dinner, mom told us her good news. She had been a squatter for almost fifteen years, the city had finally decided to sell the apartments to her and the squatters for one dollar apiece.†(Walls 288) Even though Rose Mary isn’t living in luxury, she is happ y. And to be happy with where you’re at in life is basically achieving self-actualization. Throughout the four examples I provided it’s clear that you are the writer to your own destiny. It’s about personal strength. The stronger a person you are, the more determined you are to make something of yourself. Unfortunately for Maureen’s’ case, she was too reliant on other people to be able to depend on herself. She was never able to break away and do something with her life, the same goes for her father. Rex did at least try to make his children’s’ life better than his own as a child, but he let his alcohol addiction get in the way of giving his kids, and himself the best life possible. Jeanette and Rose Mary however both managed to become happy, regardless. The Walls family most certainly did not have a perfect life, and they’ve been through more than some of us could possibly imagine, but the majority of them turned out pretty well, and that itself is a huge achievement. To me personally, it seems determination is the key to following Maslow’s Hierarchy. To move up the pyramid you need to be determined, without determination you settle for what little you get, just like Maureen and Rex. The determination to be happy and the determination to do better for yourself is what will make the dream of self-actualization become possible. This however, depends on the person you are, and the outlook you have on life.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Student :: essays research papers

Dewey Dell’s conflict   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dewey Dell is the fourth child, and the only daughter, of Anse and Addie Bundren in As I Lay Dying. â€Å"Dewey Dell monologues are characterized with unarticulated wishes, powerful but poorly misunderstood emotions, and weakness.† From the dialogue, Darl said to Dewel Dell that Addie is going to die and she will die before they get back from the lumber job. Based on the story As I Lay Dying, does Dewey Dell hates Darl or she doesn’t? If yes, what is the reason? This paper will discuss how Dewey Dell’s attitude towards Darl is continuous with her weird dreams. First, Dewey Dell is the fourth of five children from Addie’s Bundren. She is the only daughter of the family. One night, Darl, Cash, Dewey Dell and Vardaman went to New Hope. Cash and Darl are swimming. â€Å"Vardaman rise and go to the window and strike the knife into the fish, the blood gushing, hissing like steam but I could not see.† Vardaman is younger brother of Dewey Dell. â€Å"He’ll do as I say.† Dewey Dell can persuade him to anything. On that night, Dewey Dell’s got a weird dream. â€Å"I rose and took the knife from the streaming fish still hissing and I killed Darl. She remembers a dream where she killed him. But it was only a dream. † When I used to sleep with Vardaman I had a nightmare one I thought I was awake but I couldn’t see and couldn’t feel the bed under me and I couldn’t think what I was I couldn’t think of my name I couldn’t even think I am a girl †¦She remembers a nightmare whe re she did not know where or who or what she was, nor what was happening. â€Å"Do you know she is going to die, Jewel?† Darl said. â€Å"It takes two people to make you, and one people to die.† I said to Dewey Dell: â€Å"You want her to die so you can get to town: is that it?† She wouldn’t say what we both knew. â€Å"The reason you will not say it is, when you say it, even to yourself, you will know it is true: is that it? But you know it is true now.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ethics in Leadership

Ethics in Leadership Ethics, as defined by Richard daft, is â€Å"the code of principles and values that governs the behavior of a person or group with respect to what is right or wrong† (Daft, 2011, p. 445). Ethics play the most important role in any business, and are the key to its success. Every company expects a standard pattern of behavior from their employees on some common grounds. In order to define ethics in leadership, we must first define leadership. Leadership is defined as â€Å"an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes† (Daft, 2011, p. ). A dynamic leader operates with a high sense of ethics, integrity, and possesses high moral standards. True leaders have an appreciation for learning, take risks, and understand the importance of change and when it is necessary. Leadership, in a sense, is never a finished product, but rather, it is an ongoing process that continuously needs refinement. Leaders are aware of what they value and recognize the importance of ethical behavior. â€Å"Leaders come in all shapes and sizes but all good leaders possess leadership style and actions that exhibit both their values and their ethics† (Daft, 2011, p. ). Since we have defined leadership as the â€Å"influence relationship among leaders and followers, ethical leadership is about leaders trying to influence people to act in an ethical manner† (Daft, 2011, p. 5). Some believe that ethical leadership is only a matter of leaders having good character. By being a person of strong character and having the right values, an ethical leader can use these characteristics to set an example for others. Without taking anything away from those characteristics, the reality of ethical leadership is far more complex. Also read: Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethics in BusinessEthical leaders embody the purpose, vision, and values of an organization and of its followers. Ethical leaders connect the goals of the organization with that of the company stakeholders and employees. We’ve learned in this class that true ethical leaders â€Å"have to discover their own personal ethical values and actively communicate those values to others through both words and actions† (Daft, 2011, p. 447). One of the most famous examples of a company not showing ethical leadership is in the company Enron. The Enron Corporation was an energy trading and communications company based out of Houston, TX.By 2001, Enron employed around 21,000 people and was listed as the seventh largest company in America. Enron’s executives practiced accounting methods that falsely inflated the company’s revenues, which eventually led to bankruptcy and the collapse of the corporation in December 2001. In the cas e of Enron, the employees agreed to a set of values that were not demonstrated and led by the executives of the company. The leaders of Enron did not act in a manner that sets the example for the rest of the organization. Bad leadership and a lack of leadership ethics at Enron caused the eventual collapse of the company in 2001.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Independence day essay Essay

I take it as a honour to stand before you and say a few words on Indian Independence Day. It was today on 15th August that India woke up with Freedom way back in 1947 which is one of the biggest achievement for us. Who can forget that midnight of 15th August 1947 when Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru hoisted the Tri-coloured Indian Flag on Red Fort. Since that day we have got a great reason to celebrate this occasion every year with pride and honour. Independence Day in India is celebrated every year in each and every school with great spirits. Every school is decorated by keeping the theme Independence Day in mind. Flag Hoisting is done by our Principal who then speaks about few words on how we have to be thankful for this day and how we should follow the same path and philosophies of these great leaders. No one can ever forget how much it took to get independence for India, how much we lost and how much blood we shed? We definitely had lot to lose and we can never forget how much valuable gift Independence Day is for us from our ancestors who fought for the freedom and also from those almighty freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Chandrashekhar Azad, Rani Laxmibai, Lokmanya Tilak whose sacrifice can never be forgotten. When we watch movies inspired by stories of these National and historical figures, we get idea about how it would have been difficult to achieve freedom. The British ruled upon India for more than 400 years, and it was a period of chaos and injustice. Our treasures were looted and we were pushed to poverty and agony from all side. There was no safety for people within their homes as well as in neighborhoods and people thus lived in shadow of fear for each and every moment. But a handful of courageous men made it possible to stand in front of the big army of British and ask for freedom. Who can forget how the freedom movement shaped up in presence of great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi who followed the path of Ahimsa and inspired many people to walk on the same. No wonder he is been called the Father of the Nation with all respect. We look upon celebrating Independence Day every year and sing patriotic songs  to pay respect to the great national leaders without whom it wouldn’t have been possible for us to enjoy the spirit of Independence the way we do today. I salute to all the freedom fighters and national leaders who made it possible for us to enjoy and celebrate our independence. Thank You, Jai Hind! Vande Mataram

Friday, November 8, 2019

was communism feared essays

was communism feared essays After WWII, Americans knew they lived in the strongest and "greatest" country on earth. They were however afraid of communism at home and abroad. Through the reading and discussions in this class I have found the primary reasoning for this fear was because they did not want to think our After the war businesses were trying to get back to normal and trying to convert form planes to cars so to speak. The entire economy was working to make life better for the country. Communism was going on all over the world in country's like china and Russia. The U.S. must always be the superpower so they put their two cents in when speaking about foreign affairs. The government did not want to deal with other country's because they did not want the communist influence to take effect in the U.S. So the Americans were making their own things in factory's and such. People were unable to buy goods they wanted or needed. During the cold war Joe McCarthy began t put out list of people whom he thought were communist in the U.S. The McCarthyism era began a widespread fear of communism. People in the U.S. were taught that communism was bad and anyone affiliated wit it were bad too. People were called "red or "pink" for showing suspicious signs of communism. Communist country's were not people whom you wanted to be affiliated with. McCarthy went crazy in accusing many people of being red or pink. McCarthy blamed many innocent people and few like the Rosenburg's were killed and later The McCarthy era can be compared to the book The Crucible. The children in the book had done something bad and got caught, but to take the attention off them they began to accuse people of being witches. People that had crossed them in some way became the ones who were accused and later innocently convicted and killed. I feel that ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Sea Turtle Facts

Sea Turtle Facts Sea turtles are water-inhabiting reptiles, six species of which belong to the Cheloniidae  family and one to the Dermochelyidae  family. These glorious seaborne relatives of land turtles glide through the coastal and deepwater regions of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Long-lived creatures, it can take 30 years for a sea turtle to mature sexually. Fast Facts: Sea Turtles Scientific Name: Dermochelys coriacea, Chelonia mydas, Caretta caretta, Eretmochelys imbricate, Lepidochelys kempii, Lepidochelys olivacea, and Natator depressusCommon Names: Leatherback, green, loggerhead, hawksbill, Kemp’s ridley, olive ridley, flatbackBasic Animal Group: ReptileSize: 2–6 feet long  Weight: 100–2,000 poundsLifespan: 70–80 yearsDiet:  Carnivore, Herbivore, OmnivoreHabitat: Temperate, tropical, subtropical waters of the worlds oceansConservation Status: Critically Endangered (hawksbill, Kemps ridley); Endangered (green); Vulnerable (loggerhead, olive ridley, and leatherback); Data Deficient (flatback) Description Sea turtles are animals in the Class Reptilia, meaning they are reptiles. Reptiles are ectothermic (commonly referred to as cold-blooded), lay eggs, have scales (or did have them, at some point in their evolutionary history), breathe through lungs, and have a three or four-chambered heart. Sea turtles have a carapace  or upper shell that is streamlined to help in swimming and a lower shell, called a plastron. In all but one species, the carapace is covered in hard scutes. Unlike land turtles, sea turtles cannot retreat into their shell. They also have paddle-like flippers. While their flippers are great for propelling them through the water, they are poorly-suited for walking on land. They also breathe air, so a sea turtle must come to the water surface when it needs to do so, which can leave them vulnerable to boats.   Westend61 - Gerald Nowak/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images Species There are seven species of sea turtles. Six of them (the hawksbill, green, flatback, loggerhead, Kemps ridley, and olive ridley turtles) have shells made up of hard scutes, while the aptly-named leatherback turtle is in the Family Dermochelyidae and has a leathery carapace made up of connective tissue. Sea turtles range in size from about two to six feet long, depending on the species, and weigh between 100 and 2,000 pounds. The Kemps ridley turtle is the smallest, and the leatherback is the largest. The green and olive ridley sea turtles reside in tropical and subtropical waters around the globe. Leatherbacks nest on tropical beaches but migrate northward to Canada; loggerhead and hawksbill turtles live in temperate and tropical waters in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. Kemps ridley turtles hang out along the coasts of the western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, and flatbacks are found only near the Australian coast. Diet Most of the turtles are carnivorous, but each has adapted to specific prey. Loggerheads prefer fish, jellyfish, and hard-shelled lobsters and crustaceans. Leatherbacks feed on jellyfish, salps, crustaceans, squid, and urchins; hawksbills use their bird-like beak to feed on soft corals, anemones and sea sponges. Flatbacks dine on squid, sea cucumbers, soft corals, and mollusks. Green turtles are carnivorous when young but are herbivores as adults, eating seaweeds and seagrass. Kemps ridley turtles prefer crabs, and olive ridleys are omnivorous, preferring a diet of jellyfish, snails, crabs, and shrimp but also snacking on algae and seaweed. Behavior Sea turtles may migrate long distances between feeding and nesting grounds and also stay in warmer waters when the seasons change. One leatherback turtle was tracked for over 12,000 miles as it traveled from Indonesia to Oregon, and loggerheads may migrate between Japan and Baja, California. Young turtles may also spend considerable amounts of time traveling between the time they are hatched and the time they return to their nesting/mating grounds, according to ​long-term research. It takes most sea turtle species a long time to mature and consequently, these animals live a long time. Estimates for the lifespan of sea turtles is 70–80 years. Reproduction and Offspring All sea turtles (and all turtles) lay eggs, so they are oviparous. Sea turtles hatch from eggs on shore​ and then spend several years out at sea. It may take 5 to 35 years for them to become sexually mature, depending on the species. At this point, males and females migrate to breeding grounds, which are often near nesting areas. Males and females mate offshore, and females travel to nesting areas to lay their eggs. Amazingly, females return to the same beach where they were born to lay their eggs, even though it may be 30 years later and the appearance of the beach may have greatly changed. The female crawls up on the beach, digs a pit for her body with her flippers (which can be more than a foot deep for some species), and then digs a nest for the eggs with her hind flippers. She then lays her eggs, covers her nest with the hind flippers and packs the sand down, then heads for the ocean. A turtle may lay several clutches of eggs during the nesting season. Sea turtle eggs need to incubate for 45 to 70 days before they hatch. The length of incubation time is affected by the temperature of the sand in which the eggs are laid. Eggs hatch more quickly if the temperature of the nest is warm. So if eggs are laid in a sunny spot and there is limited rain, they may hatch in 45 days, while eggs laid in a shady spot or in cooler weather will take longer to hatch. Temperature also determines the gender of the hatchling. Cooler temperatures favor the development of more males, and warmer temperatures favor the development of more females (think of the potential implications of global warming!). Interestingly, even the position of the egg in the nest could affect the gender of the hatchling. The center of the nest is warmer, therefore eggs in the center are more likely to hatch females, while eggs on the outside are more likely to hatch males. Carmen M/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0 Evolutionary History Sea turtles have been around for a long time in evolutionary history. The first turtle-like animals are thought to have lived about 260 million years ago, and odontocetes, the first marine turtle, is thought to have lived about 220 million years ago. Unlike modern turtles, odontocetes had teeth. Sea turtles are related to land turtles (such as snapping turtles, pond turtles, and even tortoises). Both land and marine turtles are classified in the Order Testudines. All animals in the Order Testudines have a shell that is basically a modification of the ribs and vertebra, and also incorporates the girdles of the front and back limbs. Turtles and tortoises do not have teeth, but they have a horny covering on their jaws.​ Conservation Status and Threats Of the seven sea turtle species, six (all but the flatback) exist in the United States, and all are endangered. Threats to sea turtles include coastal development (which leads to loss of nesting habitat or making previous nesting areas unsuitable), harvesting turtles for eggs or meat, bycatch in fishing gear, entanglement in or ingestion of marine debris, boat traffic, and climate change. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), out of the seven species of sea turtles, two are classed as Critically Endangered (hawksbill, Kemps ridley); one as Endangered (green); three are vulnerable (loggerhead, olive ridley, and leatherback), and one  is Data Deficient, meaning they need additional study to determine the current status (flatback). You can help by: Supporting sea turtle research and conservation organizations and projects through volunteering or donating fundsSupporting measures to protect nesting habitatsChoosing seafood that is caught without impacting turtles (e.g., in areas where turtle excluder devices are used, or where bycatch is minimal)Not purchasing sea turtle products, including meat, eggs, oil, or tortoiseshellWatching out for sea turtles if you are out on a boat in sea turtle habitatReducing marine debris. This includes always disposing of your trash properly, using fewer disposable items and plastics, buying locally and purchasing items with less packagingReducing your carbon footprint by using less energy Placebo365/Getty Images   Sources Abreu-Grobois, A and P. Plotkin (IUCN SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group). Lepidochelys olivacea. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T11534A3292503, 2008.  Casale, P. and A.D. Tucker. Caretta caretta (amended version of 2015 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T3897A119333622, 2017.Marine Turtle Specialist Group. Lepidochelys kempii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T11533A3292342, 1996.  Mortimer, J.A and M. Donnelly (IUCN SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group). Eretmochelys imbricata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T8005A12881238, 2008.  Olive Ridley Project: Fighting Ghost Nets and Saving Turtles.  Sea Turtle ConservancySpotila, James R. 2004. Sea Turtles: A Complete Guide to Their Biology, Behavior, and Conservation. The Johns Hopkins University Press.Unlocking the Secrets of Sea Turtle Migration. Science Daily, February 29, 2012.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Debate Pro-life and Pro-choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Debate Pro-life and Pro-choice - Essay Example This is in relation to the fact that it s the men who mainly create the policies barring women from participating in abortions. This is considering that it is the woman’s choice on whether to bring the child into the world as it involves her health and wellbeing on multiple aspects. In this case, pro-choice activists view it as a violation of human rights towards a given individual, or even on a gender basis. This is following the issue of women being forced to bring to life children they cannot handle on their own, or even do not want to bring into the world (â€Å"Crisis Pregnancy Centers† 3). Pro-choice activists also argue that forcing a woman to bring such a child into this world is an immoral act, as unwanted children are the largest cause of violence (Riley 1). In this regard, children have a moral right to responsible and willing parents, which make conscious conception a necessity in today’s world with all its social tragedies. The pro-choice argument at tempts to cover the wellbeing of both the child and the mother by bringing into perspective the social and economic wellbeing of the child and the health of the mother. In this light, the pro-choice argument supports legal abortion as it is of the view that whether abortion is legal or illegal, abortions are bound to happen, and it would rather they were legal in order to be safe than unsafe due to their illegality. On the other hand, the pro-life argument concerns itself with pushing for the rights of the fetus based on the belief that it remains an unborn human being. As a result, the fetus has equal rights as any other normal human being. Furthermore, it concerns itself with the innocence of the fetus, where its innocence is similar to that a child with no offence and no knowledge of the world. Pro-life activists argue that it is immoral to end the life of an unborn fetus, as

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Osu Caste system amongst Igbos in Nigeria Essay

The Osu Caste system amongst Igbos in Nigeria - Essay Example Some attributions to clarify this point can be taken from the fact that under flimsy pretexts some people may even be declared Osus if they do not practice the conventional practices of the presumed superior class of society members. The Osu are considered as untouchable in Nigeria and unfairly portrayed as being lazy, dishonest and dirty with repulsive odour as an overall people of almost 2 million who despite legislative laws continue to suffer injustice and social disabilities in our modern times that still has primitive mentalities. (Untouchability in Nigeria & Victor Dike, Sacramento, California) The origins of the Osu caste system is a debatable issue as they are viewed with conflicting representations. According to some this system come into existence when people become slaves for rituals after being dedicated to Gods and thereafter it was considered taboo for other people to socialize with them. This system can also historically be dated thousands of years back when the rules of Osu must have been decided upon with the requirement factors of communities and villages to have dominance over the minorities. A source also claims that after a community, village or town lost a war; its inhabitants became Osu to placate their conquerors and would be obliged to give some of their kin for sacrificial purpose to the gods of their victors to appease them. These victims eventually became the slaves of the conquerors and lived in their temples and shrines dedicated to the gods of their victor's in their towns and were originally named as the Osu. It is incredible that the Osu caste system effects much of the population that stays on the eastern side of the River Niger in inflicts emotional and mental distress on being alienated with some villages continuing to discriminate even generation upon generation of the first Osu specifically when it comes to the issue of marriages. The terrible caste system nightmare continues to therefore haunt the 2 million Osu people absurdly even in the 21st century. (Osu caste system: 21st Century absurdity in Igboland) People termed as Osu and its Heredity Traditionally the Igbo society is split in the Diala (also known as the Nwadiala) as the freeborn people and the Osu as the untouchables and as culturally the Osu people are portrayed as being unclean, they are presumed to have the capacity to defile others and they are therefore isolated out of fear that they would contaminate society. However as the earlier Osu generations were allowed to be non-celibate even when they were slaves, their children continued to inherit their Osu status. As the Osu caste system is deeply rooted in the Southern Nigerian society, the Osu can not even farm next to the Diala; on dying the can be buried on designated days and they can not become rulers or representatives of communities and there is such deep revulsion of the Osu that in the Igbo society that marriages precede investigation by the Diala to verify that the bride or groom is not by any